Ready for Mission
Jesus is calling young men to follow Him, but the noise of our fast-paced world can easily drown out His voice. That is why we have created an environment where a young man can grow in authentic interior freedom, mature in his faith, and know his God given gifts and talents.
A Sacred Heart graduate is a Christian leader, faithful disciple, and ardent apostle.
Let’s Dance!
The mother-son dance had everyone smiling!
A Day at the Lake
Some of our students caught their first fish! Everyone enjoyed reeling them in! Also, moms and their sons had plenty of one on one time at our weekend get-away.
Batter Up!
SHAS Moms enjoyed cheering on their team in our baseball game. It was a beautiful day and a very competitive game between the Precandidates and Apostolics. Go SHAS!
A new Legionaries of Christ priest was ordained last week in Curitiba, Brazil. Congratulations and Deus abençoe! … See MoreSee Less
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Muy bien felicidades. Se llevó muchos años de formación. Felicidades. Muchos rostros conocidos 👍🙏🙏
Felicidades por el nuevo sacerdote que Dios lo Bendiga y lo proteja mucho Bendiciones Padre
Cardinal Fernando Vérgez, LC, the only Legionaries of Christ priest to become a cardinal has turned 80 today. He has retired from all of his functions and will not be able to vote in a future conclave as of today. For several years he was the Secretary and then President of the Govenorate of Vatican City and President of the Pontifical Commision for Vatican City.
Before those roles he served as the Director of Telecommunications for Vatican City. He is also member of the Council of Cardinal Advisers.🥳🙏Felicitamos al cardenal Fernando Vérgez, LC, quien hoy cumple 80 años de vida
#estosomosestohacemos #legionariesofchrist #legionariosdecristo #soyLC #regnumchristi … See MoreSee Less
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Felicidades por el día de su cumpleaños Padre que Dios te Bendiga otro año más de vida
10 years ago today with Bishop Donald J. Hying. His Excellency’s reign in the Diocese Of Gary Latin Mass was brief, but he made many memories with at Sacred Heart. This particular event was less than six weeks into his tenure. … See MoreSee Less
10 Years Ago
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