Ready for Mission

Ready for Mission


Do you want to experience Sacred Heart Apostolic School? Sign up for one of our upcoming camps or retreats!

Jesus is calling young men to follow Him, but the noise of our fast-paced world can easily drown out His voice. That is why we have created an environment where a young man can grow in authentic interior freedom, mature in his faith, and know his God given gifts and talents.

Sacred Heart Apostolic School Logo

A Sacred Heart graduate is a Christian leader, faithful disciple, and ardent apostle.



Deacon Darren

Brother Darren Is Ordained A Deacon

We are proud to announce that our Dean of Apostolics, Br. Darren has been ordained a Deacon in Ireland today. We are so blessed to have him on our team this year and plan to take some of our students to Deacon Darren’s priestly ordination in Rome this spring. Congratulations!

Sicut Acies Ordinata

“Sicut Acies Ordinata”

Above the door that leads into the school building is a Latin inscription painted on the wall years ago by one of our Legionary priests. It reads, “…sicut acies ordinata” which, loosely translated, means “as if drawn up for battle.” The boys begin their school day passing under this reminder.

Coding Robots

Coding Robots

We had a visit from the local library mobile classroom. Students had a great time building and coding robots.

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Could Your Son Be Called to Bring Christ to the World? Discover his mission at Sacred Heart Apostolic School.

Jesus is calling young men to follow Him, but the noise of our fast-paced world can easily drown out His voice. That is why we have created an environment where a young man can grow in authentic interior freedom, mature in his faith, and know his God given gifts and talents.

A Sacred Heart graduate is a Christian leader, faithful disciple, and ardent apostle.

He is #readyformission.

Visit our website for more event details

Call us for more information or to schedule your visit
Father Christopher Gronotte
📱 219-851-2338
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Could Your Son Be Called to Bring Christ to the World? Discover his mission at Sacred Heart Apostolic School. 

Jesus is calling young men to follow Him, but the noise of our fast-paced world can easily drown out His voice. That is why we have created an environment where a young man can grow in authentic interior freedom, mature in his faith, and know his God given gifts and talents.

A Sacred Heart graduate is a Christian leader, faithful disciple, and ardent apostle.


Visit our website for more event details

Call us for more information or to schedule your visit
Father Christopher Gronotte
📱 219-851-2338Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

Special night with our moms! 🫶

Moms Weekend 2024
Sacred Heart Apostolic School
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Special night with our moms! 🫶

Moms Weekend 2024
Sacred Heart Apostolic SchoolImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Great memories!


Thinking about your son attending Sacred Heart Apostolic School? Fr. Thomas White, part of our founding class and the first to be ordained, shares how Sacred Heart shaped his life.

See how Sacred Heart can do the same for your son!

"My name is Fr Thomas White. I am part of the founding class of Sacred Heart Apostolic School and I lived there for four incredible years from 2005 to 2009. I learned and grew in so many ways that it is hard to just name a few. The Legionaries fathers and brothers’ dedication to integral formation means that we were taught to seek excellence in all aspects of life, but if I had to choose some of the things I received that have served me most in my life since, here goes my top 5:

Discipline and Will Power: Human Formation was a big part of our life at Sacred Heart. Order, punctuality, personal presentation, responsibility, and self-control were very important. This solid human base has been a foundation on which I have built so much of what I have been able to achieve in my life. The ability to persevere even when things are difficult, to live with balance and discipline, and to know what I want and go after it has been such a blessing in my life and Sacred Heart played a great part in forming those qualities in me.

Sacramental Life: I had the grace to be born into a practicing Catholic family in which our faith was an important part of our family life. Sacred Heart brought my faith to the next level. It planted the seeds of my spiritual life and formed the habits which would later be the foundation of my spiritual life, but I believe the sacramental life is what I most got out of my time at Sacred Heart. Daily Mass and frequent Confession have been key to my spiritual growth and those are habits I formed at Sacred Heart.

A Safe and Healthy Environment: The memories I treasure most from my time at Sacred Heart was the fun we had together. Tons of sports, weekly hikes and a great atmosphere where we could just be kids. I remember all the great companions and beautiful memories made together as we grew and had fun together. The fathers and brothers in charge of us gave the best of themselves every day to make sure we had what we needed to be happy and form ourselves.

Examples to Follow: I had the grace of having some amazing fathers and brothers in my time at Sacred Heart. They were models of the kind of men they wanted us to be. They never demanded of us anything they did not live themselves. Their words and encouragement always came at the right moment, but even more their dedication and care for each of us spoke a thousand times more than their words in motivating us to become strong Catholic young men.

A Whole New World: Sacred Heart was an eye-opening experience for me as a kid from a small town in Louisiana. Suddenly, I was living with kids from all over the US, each one with their own story and background. Sacred Heart taught me to find common ground, socialize with people from different places and not to just close myself in my own little world, but rather to be curious, to grow and to learn from others."
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Thinking about your son attending Sacred Heart Apostolic School? Fr. Thomas White, part of our founding class and the first to be ordained, shares how Sacred Heart shaped his life. 

See how Sacred Heart can do the same for your son!

My name is Fr Thomas White. I am part of the founding class of Sacred Heart Apostolic School and I lived there for four incredible years from 2005 to 2009. I learned and grew in so many ways that it is hard to just name a few. The Legionaries fathers and brothers’ dedication to integral formation means that we were taught to seek excellence in all aspects of life, but if I had to choose some of the things I received that have served me most in my life since, here goes my top 5:

Discipline and Will Power: Human Formation was a big part of our life at Sacred Heart. Order, punctuality, personal presentation, responsibility, and self-control were very important. This solid human base has been a foundation on which I have built so much of what I have been able to achieve in my life. The ability to persevere even when things are difficult, to live with balance and discipline, and to know what I want and go after it has been such a blessing in my life and Sacred Heart played a great part in forming those qualities in me.

Sacramental Life: I had the grace to be born into a practicing Catholic family in which our faith was an important part of our family life. Sacred Heart brought my faith to the next level. It planted the seeds of my spiritual life and formed the habits which would later be the foundation of my spiritual life, but I believe the sacramental life is what I most got out of my time at Sacred Heart. Daily Mass and frequent Confession have been key to my spiritual growth and those are habits I formed at Sacred Heart.

A Safe and Healthy Environment: The memories I treasure most from my time at Sacred Heart was the fun we had together. Tons of sports, weekly hikes and a great atmosphere where we could just be kids. I remember all the great companions and beautiful memories made together as we grew and had fun together. The fathers and brothers in charge of us gave the best of themselves every day to make sure we had what we needed to be happy and form ourselves.

Examples to Follow: I had the grace of having some amazing fathers and brothers in my time at Sacred Heart. They were models of the kind of men they wanted us to be. They never demanded of us anything they did not live themselves. Their words and encouragement always came at the right moment, but even more their dedication and care for each of us spoke a thousand times more than their words in motivating us to become strong Catholic young men.

A Whole New World: Sacred Heart was an eye-opening experience for me as a kid from a small town in Louisiana. Suddenly, I was living with kids from all over the US, each one with their own story and background. Sacred Heart taught me to find common ground, socialize with people from different places and not to just close myself in my own little world, but rather to be curious, to grow and to learn from others.Image attachment

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Felicidades que Dios te Bendiga Padre porque ya eres sacerdote para siempre

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